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Monday, February 4, 2008

DHS continues to muddle through its patchwork existence

The experiment in the largest increase in the federal gov't since the establishment of DoD in the 50s and EPA in the early 70s continues to muddle along. DHS still gives the impression of being a "patchwork" agency 5 years into its existence. You would think IT infrastructure would be one of the first things established ... practice what you preach, folks! Let's hope 2008 is hte year for shoring up cybersecurity among all agencies...

Poor management continues to plague Homeland Security, IG reports

Management challenges continue to plague the Homeland Security Department, including a failure to integrate the information technology infrastructure across all of the department's agencies, according to a report released Jan. 30 from the DHS inspector general.

The inspector general updates the assessment of management challenges annually, as part of the DHS Annual Financial Report. Past reports have been sharply critical of top management for not making enough progress. This latest report continues in the same vein.

Full story:

1 comment:

Erik said...

And here we have what appears to be a direct result of "patchwork existence" - multiyear delays in immigration paperwork and lack of an overall federal strategy/policy to deal with immigration.

Here's a stiory from UNM's newspaper:

After years of indecision, several states have created their own immigration legislation.

Christine Marie Sierra, professor of political science at UNM, said New Mexico is one of a handful of states to pass immigration legislation.

"It is primarily up to the Congress to pass immigration law that supersedes or is an
overlay to any state-to-state policy," she said. "But in the absence of federal law - like the failure of immigration reform over the last year or over the last number of years - states have more and more attempted to initiate and pass legislation that is directly related to immigration and immigrants within their borders."

Read more here: